US Safe Haven Laws allow a parent to relinquish their unharmed infant to a designated Safe Haven provider within a specific time after birth.
For immediate assistance, call or text our 24/7 Safe Haven Crisis Helpline: ​
In case of emergency, call 911.
2024 Infant Abandonment
Prevention Conference!
November 2, 2024 (10AM - 3PM EST)

It takes all of us working together in our communities to meet the needs of vulnerable parents and infants. Join us this year as we focus on "Communities for Prevention" in our effort to end infant abandonment, and infanticide, and support at-risk parents and infants. Hear from national and international experts who provide safe options and holistic support for parents, babies, and families daily.
Don't miss this once-a-year opportunity to learn more about Safe Haven initiatives and network with industry leaders!
Virtual Event Tickets
We could not do this event without our sponsors! Please consider a sponsorship today.
IAPC Schedule
(EST) 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM
10:00 am- Welcome and Introduction, NSHA mission and theme: “Communities for Prevention: Hope and Safety for Every Infant”-
Heather Burner, NSHA Executive Director, AZ
10:10 am- Safe Haven story- Anna and family in FL
10:15 am- Lindsay Kyonka- “Community Resources; Saint Louis
Crisis Nursery”, MO
10:40 am- Safe Haven story- Kelsey Trimble and family in LA
11:00 am- Michaela Montie- “Shared Beginnings: Supporting Birth Families”, AR
11:30 am- Break
11:55 am- Safe Haven story- Riley in IL
12:00 pm- Tricia Hiros & Cynthia Holleman - Serenity Home Texas
12:25 pm- Safe Haven Family Nicole & Porter
12:30 pm- Dixie Weber- Supporting Parents in Crisis in WA
12:50 pm- Safe Haven story- Jennifer Greene in VA
1:00 pm- Break
1:15 pm- NSHA International Project- Leah Kipley, NSHA Assistant
Director, VA
1:30 pm- Dr. Whitney Rosenburg- “South African Safe Haven Laws: An
Update” -South Africa
1:55 pm- Dr. Dee Blackie- “Building Courageous Communities in the Care &
Protection of Children” -Global perspective
2:15 pm- Tanja Ogryssek- “An update on Confidential and Anonymous Birth:
Germany Safe Haven Laws” - Germany
2:45 pm- Conclusion, Awards, Drawing winners
(MST) 7:00 AM- 12:00 PM
7:00 am- Welcome and Introduction, NSHA mission and theme:
“Communities for Prevention: Hope and Safety for Every Infant”-
Heather Burner, NSHA Executive Director, AZ
7:10 am- Safe Haven story- Anna and family in FL
7:15 am- Lindsay Kyonka- “Community Resources; Saint Louis Crisis
Nursery”, MO
7:40 am- Safe Haven story- Kelsey Trimble and family in LA
8:00 am- Michaela Montie- “Shared Beginnings: Supporting Birth Families”,
8:30 am- Break
8:55 am- Safe Haven story- Riley in IL
9:00 am- Tricia Hiros & Cynthia Holleman - Serenity Home Texas
9:25 am- Safe Haven Family Nicole & Porter
9:30 am- Dixie Weber- Supporting Parents in Crisis in WA
9:50 am- Safe Haven story- Jennifer Greene in VA
10:00 am- Break
10:15 am- NSHA International Project- Leah Kipley, NSHA Assistant
Director, VA
10:30 am- Dr. Whitney Rosenburg- “South African Safe Haven Laws: An
Update” - South Africa
10:55 am- Dr. Dee Blackie- “Building Courageous Communities in the Care & Protection of Children” - Global perspective
11:15 am-Tanja Ogryssek- “An update on Confidential and Anonymous Birth: Germany Safe Haven Laws”- Germany
11:45 am- Conclusion, Awards, Drawing winners