US Safe Haven Laws allow a parent to relinquish their unharmed infant to a designated Safe Haven provider within a specific time after birth.
For immediate assistance, call or text our 24/7 Safe Haven Crisis Helpline:
In case of emergency, call 911.

Safe Haven Signs
Ordering Signs
If you are a Safe Haven location, mounting a Safe Haven sign to your building could save the life of a vulnerable infant! NSHA has three 18 x 18 signage designs costing $75 per sign + shipping and handling. NSHA also sells two decals that can be placed on your vehicles, such as fire trucks and ambulance, if your state law includes these locations as approved Safe Haven Providers. Decals cost $20 each, including shipping & handling.
All signs are made of 80 gauge white EG reflective aluminum, consistent with U.S. Transportation Highway Standards.
All signs and decals are shipped through UPS Ground at the following rates and decal cost of $20 includes shipping.